May 11, 2013

Photo studio

A while back I wrote a piece called "The meaning behind the Panamera" which explained how the name came to be. I also included a picture of a Porsche 550 Spyder next to the new 4 dour sedan in a studio setting.

This piece is to give you a visual representation of what it took to make that picture, and to challenge locals to step up to this level of professionalism.

As the picture to the right illustrates, one would need a Mac loaded with the right programs, along with a professional camera and a variety of lenses, and those special flood lights, which make all the difference in the world. And yes, one would need a lot of space to work with.

This takes me to the next picture, which is taken from further away. Here the scope of the operation becomes clearer. One would need a large "loods", as we call it here, along with the special rigs for the overhead lighting and possibly a boom or two.

In all, quite a sizeable investment but I believe that for those of us seeking this level of professionalism, it is attainable, even on this small island on 150.000+ inhabitants.

So, just believe in yourself, and above all, surround yourself with intelligent and positive people. Work hard and with a little bit of luck, you will be successful!

Thanks for reading.

Photo credit: Porsche.

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