December 29, 2011
Some humour
What do you think happened in the picture above?
Even though this picture was taken on 5th Avenue back in 2008 it still makes me smile every time I think of it. I saw it a while back on Jalopnic and has me guessing ever since. Here follows an excerpt:
"There are few details but a couple a clues. The guy, who looks like a male model, is still wearing a Santa suit the day after Christmas, which sounds to us like someone who took too much nog [read alcohol] and fell asleep like Kris Kringle. And then there's the young woman next to him wearing the heels and viewing what's happening".
"The cops, for their part, are just hanging out. So either a severely hung over guy crashed his new toy or this is some sort of advertisement (what kind of jerk wrecks a classic Porsche for an ad, though). If it is a commercial we hope it's for Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief. [I love this part] Either way, someone's been naughty".
Source: Jalopnic
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